24 Hour Monitoring & Maintenance
Kadirnet is your address for smart, friendly, user-driven services.
Active 24-hour monitoring and maintenance brought to you by our Network Operations Center and Local Call Centers.
With Kadirnet, your property or business is never alone. Our clientele enjoy peace of mind, knowing that a dedicated staff of IT professionals is actively monitoring the safety-readiness and the effectiveness of their network all day and all night.
If there's ever an issue we know about it immediately and begin work to remedy the situation just as fast. Our goal is to identify and remedy issues BEFORE you or the people using your networks are ever aware.
In the spirit of transparency we also provide remote status monitoring to you, your staff and residents so that they can verify the status and speed of their network at any time.
Kadirnet also provides a user support portal where users can verify the status of their network, chat live with technicians, receive updates on service issues as well as report service issues with a user generated ticket response system.
At Kadirnet we take customer care very seriously. We encourage you to ask our clients and residents about us - then give us a call!